Gemini Industries Printer Printer User Manual

Gemini User’s Manual
Turn your computer “on? Follow the set-up requirements, if
any (such as the selection of the printer interface mode). Load
BASIC and turn “on” your Gemini. The “Power;’ “Ready:’ and
“Online” lamps should be lit on Gemini’s control panel.
Type in the reference-program listing, Figure 5-l making the
modifications outlined in the appendices for your computer
Note: You should “proofread” each line you type in before entering
it. If you want your program to look like Figure 5-2, your program
listing must lookexactly like the one shown in Figure51 (subject,
of course, to minor changes for computers other than the IBM-PC).
Before You Run the Sample Program
The program you just typed in was a long one, but it illustrates
about one-half of the features available on Gemini. Before we run
the program, let’s utilize Gemini as a line printer. Create a program
listing by typing LLIST. You can use this listing to double-check
that you have correctly entered the reference program (Figure 5-l).
If you discover any errors, correct them. Then create another listing
by entering:
WIDTH “LPTl:“, 255
and then,,
The WIDTH command told the BASIC program that your
printer could print as many characters as it wants per line. The
CHR$(15) was sent to tell Gemini to print in “reduced” type of 17
characters per inch (CPI). By using the reduced type, full
136character output (Figure 5-l) can be printed on the Gemini-lox
and 233 characters on the Gemini-15X.