Chapter 5 Installing Additional Boards
Accessory Board Installation Guidelines
The following sections provide the guidelines necessary to install a PCI accessory board
into the HP Netserver LP 1000r.
IRQ Settings
The IRQ settings are automatically assigned and don't require user intervention. The HP
Netserver uses the Plug-and-Play feature of the PCI board to correctly assign its
resources automatically.
Boot Priority
The Netserver's boot priority (BIOS search order for a boot drive) should be considered
when selecting a boot device. This is especially important if you are installing a board
that requires an early number in the boot order.
The embedded SCSI controller consists of two channels, A and B. Channel A is used to
control the internal Hot Swap SCSI drives. Channel B is used to control the external
SCSI devices, including a backup tape drive. On each SCSI channel, the Netserver scans
for a boot device starting at device ID 0 and works up from there.
By default the Netserver searches for boot devices in this order:
1. IDE CD-ROM drive
2. Flexible disk drive
3. SCSI A channel (Hot Swap SCSI HDD)
4. SCSI B channel (external SCSI devices)
5. PCI slot P1 (32- or 64-bit slot)
6. Network connection
Installing a Disk Array Controller Board
Adding a disk array controller board provides additional fault tolerance to your internal
or external mass storage devices. HP recommends installing the HP NetRAID-1Si, -1M,
or -2M controller board in the HP Netserver LP 1000r. When installing a disk array
controller board, you may alter the Netserver's boot order to allow the Netserver to boot
off one of the array's drives. This boot order can be changed under the Configuration
menu of the Netserver's (BIOS) Setup Utility and in the SCSI Configuration Utility.