IBM 1800409-001A Printer User Manual

envelopes, transparencies, thick stock, and labels,
adjusting print density, and canceling or ending print jobs.
Chapter 6: Consumables and Preventative Maintenance
Guides you through handling and replacing consumables,
such as the toner, developer, cleaning pad, oil bottle, OPC
belt cartridge, and waste toner pack. It also covers moving
and preventative maintenance for the printer.
Chapter 7: Optimizing Color Output
Discusses Q
COLOR, the QMS automatic color control
technology, explains how to fine-tune color options,
discusses color matching, and lists the printer’s typefaces.
Chapter 8: Printer Options
Describes installing and using optional printer hardware,
such as font, emulation, and security cards; memory
upgrades (SIMMs); hard disks; and network interface
cards. Also explains how to upgrade the system software.
Chapter 9: Troubleshooting
Explains how to clear jams and interpret status messages;
outlines possible print quality problems and solutions; and
explains how to place a service call.
Appendix A: QMS Customer Support
Lists sources of help and information.
Appendix B: Technical Specifications
Provides technical specifications for the printer and lists
available supplies and replacement parts. This appendix
also gives the recommended pinouts for LocalTalk, serial,
Chapter 1
Introduction 1-3