IBM 1800409-001A Printer User Manual

The Resident PostScript Fonts
This section lists the fonts resident in your printer. All of these fonts
are authentic: they are licensed and carry the true name. See your
QMS vendor if you are interested in obtaining more fonts.
Serif ITC Bookman Light
ITC Bookman Light Italic
ITC Bookman Demibold
ITC Bookman Demibold Italic
Courier Oblique
Courier Bold
Courier Bold Oblique
New Century Schoolbook
New Century Schoolbook Italic
New Century Schoolbook Bold
New Century Schoolbook Bold Italic
Palatino Italic
Palatino Bold
Palatino Bold Italic
Times Roman
Times Italic
Times Bold
Times Bold Italic
ITC Avant Garde Book
ITC Avant Garde Book Oblique
ITC Avant Garde Demibold
ITC Avant Garde Demibold Oblique
Helvetica Oblique
Helvetica Bold
Helvetica Bold Oblique
Chapter 7
7-18 Optimizing Color Output