
Property Description
MaxWaitTime.# Maximum time for which a business process can be in the
queue without being rescheduled. If a business process is
rescheduled, the business process is moved forward in the
4. In the noapp.properties_platform_ifcresources_ext file, under the # QUEUE
CONFIGURATION, Queue # - FairShareSchedulingPolicy, where # indicates the
queue number, locate the properties described in the following table and
change the value for each as appropriate. Complete this step for each queue
you are using. For each property, # indicates the queue number, for example,
ResourceAllocation.3 is the ResourceAllocation property for the third queue.
Also, property values can be different for each queue.
Property Description
ResourceAllocation.# Amount of resources to be allocated to a specific queue for fair
share scheduling. This ensures that the queue has more
resources for processing, which improves processing time and
ensures the efficient use of system resources.
Note: Set the resource allocations according to the percentage
of use for each queue and the importance of processing
completed on each queue. If you have higher priority items on
one queue, increase the resource allocation to that queue in
order to increase processing capability. Apply lower
percentages of resources to lower priority queues or less used
queues in order to keep resources free for higher priority
InitialCycles.# Number of cycles to be executed the first time a business
process gets to execute. Normally, this value should be 5 or
less. This is intended to facilitate business processes
(particularly Web services) for which normal processing is
quite short, but for which there is longer processing in special
cases. It also allows a mix of short and long business processes
in a queue, favoring the shorter ones.
StealThreads.# Enables or disables the ability to steal threads from other
queues. This will only steal unused threads from that
queue.Valid values:
v true – Enables the ability to steal threads
v false – Disables the ability to steal threads
Queues that are configured to steal threads from other queues
(StealThreads property set to true) steal from only queues that
have the AllowStealing property set to true.
AllowStealing.# Enables or disables the ability of other queues to steal threads
from this queue. Only unused allocated threads can be stolen.
Valid values:
v true – Allows other queues to steal threads
v false – Does not allow other queues to steal threads
Queues that are configured to steal threads from other queues
(StealThreads property set to true) steal from only queues that
have the AllowStealing property set to true.
5. Save the noapp.properties_platform_ifcresources_ext file under the same name
in the install_dir/properties directory.
176 Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management