File Name of Log
(As Shown on the System Logs Screen)
Log Type
(For the customer_overrides.properties file)
report.log reportlogger
resourcemonitor.log resourcemonitorlogger
mif.log rnlogger
sap.log saplogger
schedule.log schedulelogger
Security.log SecurityLogger
servicesctl.log sclogger
sftpclient.log sftpclientlogger
sftpserver.log sftpserverlogger
si_exe.log silogger
sql.log sqllogger
system.log systemlogger
system.log purgelogger
test.log testlogger
tracking.log tracking
txtrace.log txtracelogger
ui.log uilogger
ui_performance.log ui_perf_logger
webdav.log webdavlogger
WebSphereMQSuite.log wsmqSuiteLogger
webx.log webxlogger
wf.log wflogger
wfexception.log wfexception_logger
wfstatistics.log wfstatistics
4. Save and close the customer_overrides.properties file.
5. Stop the Sterling B2B Integrator and restart it to use the new values.
Changing Log Settings for an Individual Log Type
For each log, you can specify the following information:
v Location of the log file
v The number of lines pertaining to the log file to be saved
v The amount of details to log
Note: If you are working in a clustered environment, the information that is
displayed is determined by the node you select from the Select Node list.
To change the log settings for an individual log type:
1. From the Administration menu, select Operations > System > Logs.
2. Click the icon next to the log type whose log settings you want to change.
3. In the Log Settings page, specify the settings for the options described in the
following table:
Performance Management 87