Log Type Log Name Description
SFTP Client Adapter and
sftpclient.log Used by the SFTP Client adapter and
related services.
SFTP Common Log common3splogger.log Logs SFTP security errors.
SFTP Server Adapter sftpserver.log Used by the SFTP Server adapter.
SQL Manager sql.log Logs queries sent to the database by
the SQL Query service.
IBM Sterling Secure
System system.log Used as a general logging service,
typically the default system log.
noapp.log Used on an application
server-independent system as a
general activity log.
System Output/Error
noapp.log Used to provide additional system
log information.
Translation Log tx.log
Translation Trace Output txtrace.log Used as a logging service that helps
with map debugging. This log
contains debugging messages that
show how the translator traversed
the maps definition and matched
each block of data against the map.
User Authentication Authentication.log Logs user authentication attempts
and activities.
Visibility visibility.log
Web Extension webx.log Used by the Web Extensions
components in Sterling B2B
Web Services Security wssec.log
WebDAV Server webdav.log
WebSphereMQ Suite WebSphereMQSuite.log Used by the WebSphereMQ Suite
Async Receiver adapter and related
Windows Service GI si_exe.log Log file created by the Sterling B2B
Integrator Windows service.
Windows Service Ops
ops_exe.log Log file created by the Opserver
Windows service.
WorkFlow Deadline bpdeadline.log
WS-Reliability Routing wsrm.log
The following table describes the log files pertaining to the Sterling B2B Integrator
Windows service:
Log Name Description
ScheduleBackup.log Temporary file that is created when Sterling
B2B Integrator Windows service stops.
Backuplogs.log Temporary file that is created when Sterling
B2B Integrator Windows service stops.
92 Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management