v Review the archive.log and database-specific log by navigating to Operations >
System > Logs for information about archiving and purging activities and
Resolve Full Database Issues
Try the following approaches to resolve full database issues.
Approach Details
Change persistence levels For information about how to change persistence levels, refer
to the topic Changing Persistence Levels.
Complete indexing
If your index business process is scheduled, but not running,
no data is flagged for archival or purging, and your database
may fill up. Review the index business process and verify that
the schedule is defined and turned on in the business process,
and that business processes are being indexed.
To verify that the index business process is running, review
the archive.log file for data that was purged or archived. This
log file will state whether each data purge or data archive was
successful. If the archive.log file shows no data being archived
or purged, your index business process may not be running,
causing your database to fill up.
If the index business process is running and failing, contact
IBM Professional Services for assistance.
Complete archiving
If your archival business process is scheduled, but is not
running, your database can fill up because data is not being
archived and moved off the database tables to another storage
location. Review the archival business processes and verify
that the schedule is defined and turned on in the business
process, and that business processes are archived after a
reasonable amount of time.
To verify that the archival business process is running, review
the archive.log file for data that was purged or archived. This
log file will state whether each data purge or data archive was
successful. If the archive.log file shows no data being archived
or purged, your archival business process may not be running,
causing your database to fill up.
If the archival business process is running and failing, contact
IBM Professional Services for assistance.
Complete purging
If your purging business process is scheduled, but is not
running, your database can fill up because data is not being
removed from the database tables. Review the purging
business processes and verify that the schedule is defined and
turned on in the business process, and that business processes
are purged after a reasonable amount of time.
To verify that the purging business process is running, review
the archive.log file for data that was purged or archived. This
log file will state whether each data purge or data archive was
successful. If the archive.log file shows no data being archived
or purged, your purging business process may not be running,
causing your database to fill up.
If the PurgeService business process is running and failing,
contact IBM Professional Services for assistance.
220 Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management