Intel 845 Computer Accessories User Manual

Register Description
42 Intel
82845 MCH for SDR Datasheet
3.4.6 RCVENSTR—Strength Control Register (RCVENOUT
Signal Group)
Memory Address Offset: 34h
Default Value: 00h
Access: R/W
Size: 8 bits
This register controls the drive strength of the I/O buffers for the Receive Enable Out signal group
(RDCLKO# signal).
Bit Descriptions
7:3 Reserved.
2:0 Receive Enable Out Signal Group (RCVEnOut) Strength Control. This field selects the
signal drive strength.
000 = 0.75 X (default)
001 = 1.00 X
010 = 1.25 X
011 = 1.50 X
100 = 2.00 X
101 = 2.50 X
110 = 3.00 X
111 = 4.00 X