Thermal/Mechanical Specifications and Design Guidelines 89
Thermal Solution Quality and Reliability Requirements
11 Thermal Solution Quality and
Reliability Requirements
11.1 Reference Heatsink Thermal Verification
Each motherboard, heatsink and attach combination may vary the mechanical loading
of the component. Based on the end user environment, the user should define the
appropriate reliability test criteria and carefully evaluate the completed assembly prior
to use in high volume. The Intel reference thermal solution will be evaluated to the
boundary conditions in Chapter 5.
The test results, for a number of samples, are reported in terms of a worst-case mean
+ 3σ value for thermal characterization parameter using the TTV.
11.2 Mechanical Environmental Testing
Each motherboard, heatsink and attach combination may vary the mechanical loading
of the component. Based on the end user environment, the user should define the
appropriate reliability test criteria and carefully evaluate the completed assembly prior
to use in high volume. Some general recommendations are shown in Table 11-1.
The Intel reference heatsinks will be tested in an assembled to the LGA1155 socket and
mechanical test package. Details of the Environmental Requirements, and associated
stress tests, can be found in Table 11-1 are based on speculative use condition
assumptions, and are provided as examples only.
1. It is recommended that the above tests be performed on a sample size of at least ten assemblies from
multiple lots of material.
2. Additional pass/fail criteria may be added at the discretion of the user.
Table 11-1. Use Conditions (Board Level)
Requirement Pass/Fail Criteria
Mechanical Shock 3 drops each for + and - directions in each of 3
perpendicular axes (that is, total 18 drops)
Profile: 50 g, Trapezoidal waveform, 4.3 m/s [170 in/s]
minimum velocity change
Visual Check and
Electrical Functional
Random Vibration Duration: 10 min/axis, 3 axes
Frequency Range: 5 Hz to 500 Hz
5 Hz @ 0.01 g
/Hz to 20 Hz @ 0.02 g
/Hz (slope up)
20 Hz to 500 Hz @ 0.02 g
/Hz (flat)
Power Spectral Density (PSD) Profile: 3.13 g RMS
Visual Check and
Electrical Functional
Thermal Cycling –25°C to +100°C;Ramp rate ~ 8C/minute; Cycle time:~30
minutes per cycle for 500 cycles.
Visual Check and
Thermal Performance