Intel SX220 Power Supply User Manual

Viglen SX220 User Guide 69
When to Run the Adaptec SCSISelect Utility
Use the SCSISelect utility to:
Change default values
Check and/or change SCSI device settings that may conflict with those of
other devices in the server
Do a low-level format on SCSI devices installed in the server
Running the SCSISelect Utility
1. When this message appears on the video monitor:
<<<Press <Ctrl><A> for SCSISelect(TM) Utility>>>
2. Press <Ctrl+A> to run the utility. When the main menu for the host adapter
appears, choose the device that you want to configure—each SCSI bus accepts
up to 15 devices.
Use the following keys to navigate through the menus and submenus:
Table 32: SCSISelect Navigation Keys
Press To
ESC Exit the utility
Enter Select an option
Up-Arrow Return to a previous option
Down-Arrow Move to the next option
F5 Switch between color and monochrome
F6 Reset to host adapter defaults
Configuring the Adaptec AIC-7899 SCSI Adapter
The Adaptec AIC-7899 SCSI adapter has two busses. Select the bus from the
following menu:
Figure 32: Main Menu
Main Menu Options
You have an AIC-7899 adapter in your system. Move
the cursor to the bus:device:channel of the one for
configuration and press <Enter>.
<F5> - Toggle color/monochrome
After selecting the bus, the following menu displays:
Table 33: Menu for each SCSI Channel
Host Adapter Option Comment
AIC-7899 at
01:06:A (or 01:06:B)
Configure/View Host
Adapter Settings
Press <Enter> to view the Configuration Menu.