̈ Chapter 9: Quality of Service LANCOM Reference Manual LCOS 3.50
Quality of Service
tion always the physical data transfer via the respective interface
applies as the direction!
9.7 QoS configuration
9.7.1 Evaluating ToS and DiffServ fields
ToS or DiffServ?
For configuration with LANconfig, select the configuration field 'IP router'.
Adjust on index card 'General' whether the 'Type of service field' or alterna-
tively the 'DiffServ field' is to be observed for prioritisation of data packets.
When both options are turned off, the ToS/DiffServ field will be ignored.
WEBconfig, Telnet
For configuration with WEBconfig or Telnet, your decision for the evaluation
of the ToS or DiffServ fields are entered at the following places:
Feature settings for routing method values are the following:
̈ Standard: The ToS/DiffServ field is ignored.
̈ TOS: The ToS/DiffServ field is considered as ToS field, the bits “Low delay”
and “High reliability” will be evaluated.
Configuration tool Run
WEBconfig Setup/IP router module/Routing method
Telnet Setup/IP router module/Routing method