̈ Chapter 12: Office communications with LANCAPI LANCOM Reference Manual LCOS 3.50
Office communications with
If necessary, the system is restarted and LANCAPI is then ready to accept all
jobs from the office communications software. After successful installation, an
icon for LANCAPI will be available in the toolbar. A double-click on this icon
opens a status window that permits current information on the LANCAPI to
be displayed at any time.
The LANCAPI client starts automatically and shows the status in the windows
task bar.
12.2.3 Configuration of the LANCAPI clients
The configuration of the LANCAPI clients is used to determine which LANCAPI
servers will be used and how these will be checked. All parameters can remain
at their default settings if you are using only one LANCOM
in your LAN as an
LANCAPI server.
ቢ Start the LANCAPI client in the 'LANCOM' program group. Information
regarding the drivers for the available service can be found on the 'Gen-
eral' tab.
You can also run the LANCAPI client
through the Windows task bar. To do this,
simply click with the right mouse button
on the LANCAPI symbol in the Windows
task bar next to the clock and select
ባ In the LANCAPI client, change to the Network tab. First, select whether
the PC should find its own LANCAPI server, or specify the use of a partic-
ular server.
୴ For the former, determine the interval at which the client should
search for a server. It will continue searching until it has found the
number of servers specified in the next field. Once the required
number of servers has been found, it will stop searching.
୴ In the event that the client should not automatically search for servers,
list the IP addresses of the servers to be used by the client. This can be
useful if you are operating several LANCOM in your LAN as LANCAPI
servers and you would like to specify a server for a group of PCs, for
= active
= Error
= inactive