̈ Chapter 3: Configuration and management LANCOM Reference Manual LCOS 3.50
Configuration and manage-
୴ The device no longer responds after loading the new firmware. If an
error occurs during the upload, the device automatically reactivates
the previous firmware version and reboots the device.
̈ 'Login': To avoid problems with faulty uploads there is the second option
with which the firmware is uploaded and also immediately booted.
୴ In contrast to the first option, the device will wait for five minutes until
it has successfully logged on. Only if this login attempt is successful
does the new firmware remain active permanently.
୴ If the device no longer responds and it is therefore impossible to log
in, it automatically loads the previous firmware version and reboots
the device with it.
̈ 'Manual': With the third option you can define a time period during which
you want to test the new firmware yourself. The device will start with the
new firmware and wait for the preset period until the loaded firmware is
manually activated and therefore becomes permanently effective.
3.7.2 How to load new software
There are various ways of carrying out a firmware upload, all of which produce
the same result:
̈ LANconfig
̈ WEBconfig
̈ Terminal program
All settings will remain unchanged by a firmware upload. All the same you
should save the configuration first for safety's sake (with Edit ̈ Save Con-
figuration to File if using LANconfig, for example).
If the newly installed release contains parameters which are not present in the
device's current firmware, the device will add the missing values using the
default settings.
When using LANconfig, highlight the desired device in the selection list and
click on Edit ̈ Firmware Management ̈ Upload New Firmware, or
click directly on the Firmware Upload button. Then select the directory in
which the new version is located and mark the corresponding file.