
4: Configuration Using Web Manager
XPort AR User Guide 58
3. Click the X next to a filename to delete the file or directory. A directory can only
be deleted if it is empty.
4. Enter or modify the following fields:
Note: Changes apply to the current directory view. To make changes within
other folders, click on the folder or directory and then enter the parameters in
the fields listed below.
File Enter a filename and click Create. The XPort AR creates the
empty file (0 bytes) and stores it in the current directory.
Directory Enter a folder name and click Create. The XPort AR creates
the folder and stores it in the current directory.
Upload File
Browse Click Browse and locate the file to upload to the current
filesystem directory. Click Upload to complete the process.
Copy File
Enter the filename to copy.
Destination Enter the folder where the Source file will be copied. Click
Copy to complete the process.
Note: The Source and Destination filenames can be
Enter the filename to move.
Destination Enter the folder into which the Source file will be moved.
Click Move to complete the process.
Note: When the Source and Destination filenames are
different, the file and folder are renamed.
Action Select Get or Put. Choose Get to receive a file. Choose Put
to send a file.
Mode Select ASCII or Binary.
Local File Enter the name of the file to send to the remote location (Put)
or to store locally (Get).
Remote File
Enter the name of the file on the remote location to store
externally (Put) or to store locally (Get).
Enter the IP address or hostname of the remote location.
Enter the port number for TFTP communication. Click
Transfer to complete the file transfer. The default is port 69.