
. . . Adding an Address Book Entry- General Tab
Adding an Address Book Entry- General Tab
This describes the connection you are making. It could be at
a person’s desk, or represent a server to you. LapLink Gold
Corporate automatically populates whatever is typed in the
Description field to the Computer Name field, though it is not
necessary for these fields to be identical.
Computer Name
NOTE The Computer Name information entered must
match the LapLink name of the computer you're connect
ing to EXACTLY, and is case-sensitive. This is not neces-
sarily the same as the Windows computer name. To see or
change the computer name on the host computer you are
connecting to, go to the Options menu in LapLink on that
machine, and choose ‘Computer Name’.
The other fields in the top section (Company Name, Job
Title, Notes) allow you to describe the connection. Some
times a computer is a person's desktop, sometimes it is a
server. These fields allow you to describe this computer
connection more fully.
Clicking on the Add button on the
Address Book toolbar brings you to the
Add Address Book Entry screen, on the
General tab, as seen here. The
address book allows you to create and
save connections, so that frequently
used connections can be instantly
accessed, without having to redefine
the connection information each time.