
Disabling the host keyboard and mouse and blanking its screen
From a guest computer, you can ensure privacy and prevent interruptions at the host by disabling its
keyboard and mouse and blanking its screen. To perform any of these “locking” operations from the
guest, click the appropriate command on the Session menu. On the host, you must allow locking by
changing the default security setup.
Configuring a host for locking
You can configure a host to determine who can lock it and
how it will be locked. Guests cannot lock the host without
your permission, and locking privileges you grant cannot be
changed during a Remote Control session.
Whether you permit any kind of locking depends on how
you intend to use LapLink. If you want to use Text Chat, for
example, there should be no locking.
On the host: Allow users to blank
the screen and disable the keyboard
and mouse when you grant them
access through the Log-in List.
On the guest: Blank the host screen
and disable its keyboard and mouse
through the Session menu.