Lucent Technologies PortMaster Network Router User Manual

Configuring the Ethernet Interface 4-7
Configuring Ethernet Subinterfaces
Configuring Ethernet Subinterfaces
With the subinterface feature of the ComOS, you can create up to 512 subinterfaces (the
total number of interfaces available on a PortMaster) on a single primary Ethernet
interface. Because you have the bandwidth of only a single Ethernet interface, however,
efficiency begins to degrade significantly when you add more than 8 subinterfaces.
Subinterfacing is essentially the segmenting of a single wire, or port, into multiple IP
networks. Instead of subnetting and routing, you can create a subinterface and then set
it up as you would a standard Ethernet interface. To avoid routing loops, however, you
must be sure not to create two subinterfaces in the same TCP/IP network on the same
port. Each Ethernet subinterface must have a unique network.
A drawback to subinterfacing is that it supports static routing only; IPX, RIP, OSPF,
packet filtering, and route propagation are not supported on subinterfaces.
You must configure the primary Ethernet interface before adding subinterfaces (see
“Setting General Ethernet Parameters” on page 4-1 for details). After you configure the
primary Ethernet interface, follow this procedure to add a subinterface.
1. Create a subinterface.
Command> add subinterface name
This command adds an entry to the subinterface table, which you can then view
with the show subi command. Remove a subinterface from the subinterface table
with the del subi command.
2. Associate the subinterface with a physical port.
Command> set subinterface name port-name portlabel
3. Assign an IP address or and IP address and net mask to the subinterface.
Command> set subinterface name Ipaddress [/NM]|[Ipaddress/NM]
You can specify the netmask in the
or dotted decimal format. You can also
configure the IP address and netmask separately (see the
PortMaster Command Line
for details
4. Set the broadcast for the interface.
Command> set subinterface name broadcast high|low