8-4 Chapter 8: NCR 7401/7890 or 7892 Scanner Differences
2. Listen for the Scanner power-up tone. Immediately scan the
Default Scanner Programming Tag.
Note: If a keyboard is attached, the Pause key may be pressed to
delay terminal restart until scanner testing is complete. Terminal
restart can be resumed by pressing any key.
3. Listen closely to the scanner beep sequence returned from scanning
the Default Programming Tag.
4. If four (4) short and three (3) long beeps are heard, the scanner is
programmed with 7401 default settings and no further action is
necessary. If beeps returned are something other than four (4) short
and three (3) long, proceed to step 5.
5. Scan the Scanner Programming Tags in the following order:
- Programming Mode
- Hex 3
- Hex 0
- Hex 7
- Save and Reset
6. Scan the Default tag again to verify correct 7401 scanner setting of
four (4) short followed by three (3) long beeps.
Programming the 7401 Scanner Through the RS-232 Interface
As with the 7890 and 7892, the 7401 Scanner can be programmed
through the RS-232 interface. The 7890, 7892, and 7401 Scanners have a
Program command (33h 45h) which permits you to send the tag
information through the communications port (COM1 on the 7401).
Send the same sequences that would be input using the tags. See the
NCR Scanner/Scale Interface Programmer's Guide for more information.
The Disable command must be sent to the scanner before the Program
command is sent.
The default for the message format is the same for the 7401 Scanner as
it is for the 7890 and 7892 Scanners. There is no Start sentinel, and no
BCC is used. The command is issued followed by the End sentinel
which is an ETX (End of Text) character (03h). For example, the Start
command is issued as 33h 38h 03h or ASCII: 3 8 ETX.