WFS709TP ProSafe Smart Wireless Switch Software Administration Manual
Deploying a Basic WFS709TP System 2-15
v1.0, June 2007
3. On the WFS709TP, configure the APs. (See “Configure the Switch for the Access Points” on
page 2-8)
The following sections describe the steps for these tasks.
Enable APs to Connect to the WFS709TP
Before you install APs in a network environment, you must ensure that the APs will be able to
connect to the WFS709TP when powered on. Specifically, you need to ensure the following:
• When connected to the network, each AP is assigned a valid IP address
• The APs are able to locate the WFS709TP
Enable APs to Obtain IP Addresses
Each AP requires a unique IP address on a subnetwork that has connectivity to a WFS709TP.
NETGEAR recommends using the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) to provide IP
addresses for APs. The DHCP server can be an existing network server or a WFS709TP
configured as a DHCP server.
You can use an existing DHCP server in the same subnetwork as the AP to provide the AP with its
IP information. You can also configure a device in the same subnetwork to act as a relay agent for
a DHCP server on a different subnetwork. Refer to the vendor documentation for your DHCP
server or relay agent for more information.
If an AP is on the same subnetwork as the master WFS709TP, you can configure the WFS709TP
as a DHCP server to assign an IP address to the AP. The WFS709TP must be the only DHCP
server for this subnetwork.
To enable DHCP server capability on a WFS709TP:
1. Navigate to the Configuration > Advanced > Switch > General > DHCP Server page
(Figure 2-12).
Note: All APs designed or modified to work with the WFS709TP use Trivial File
Transfer Protocol (TFTP) the first time they boot to obtain their software image
and configuration from the WFS709TP. After their initial boot, the APs use FTP to
obtain software images and configurations from the WFS709TP.