NETGEAR WFS709TP-100NAS Switch User Manual

WFS709TP ProSafe Smart Wireless Switch Software Administration Manual
RF Plan 4-5
v1.0, June 2007
The Overview page includes the following:
Building Dimensions. Your building’s name and dimensions
Access Point Modeling Parameters.
Air Monitor Modeling Parameters.
Building Dimensions button (in the upper right of the page). Click this button to edit the
building dimensions settings.
There are several ways you can navigate through RF Plan pages when you create or edit
information for a building.
The navigation pane on the left side of the browser window displays RF Plan pages in the
order in which they should be accessed when you are creating a new building. If you are
editing a building, simply click the name of the page you want to display or modify.
A button for the next page appears in the upper right of the page. You can click this button to
display the next page in the sequence. For example, the Building Dimension button appears in
the Building Specification Overview page.
Clicking Apply on editable pages also sequences you to the next page. For example, when you
click Apply in the Building Dimension page, the AP Modeling Parameters page displays.
Building Dimension Page
The Building Dimension page (Figure 4-3) allows you to specify the name and identification for
the building and its dimensions.
Figure 4-2