Alcatel-Lucent 8950 AAA Computer Accessories User Manual

Where to go First
Issue 1, December 2008
This guide is designed to be used by qualified system administrators and network
managers. Knowledge of basic networking concepts is required to successfully install
8950 AAA. You should be familiar with RADIUS server installation, configuration, and
Where to go First
How to Start
For more information about installing 8950 AAA and general software and hardware
requirements, read the 8950 AAA Quick Start Guide.
If you are new to 8950 AAA, the links below should help determine where to go first:
Ready to configure 8950 AAA?
With the Server Management Tool (SMT) running, you should see the Policy Flow Editor
in the Navigation pane as shown in Figure 1-1.
Figure 1-1 Server Management Tool-Navigation Screen
If you have already installed 8950 AAA and know how to launch the SMT, refer to the
section “Using the Policy Wizard” on 9-4 to begin configuring your RADIUS