Policy Server tabManaging 8950 AAA Servers
Issue 1, December 2008
Web Interface Configuration Panel
The Web Interface Configuration panel specifies the configuration values for running the
built-in web interface. The web interface allows you to query statistical information about
the 8950 AAA servers from a standard web browser. This interface is automatically started
when you run the 8950 AAA servers.
Important! When assigning a port to the address field, make sure you do not have
any conflicting services using this port.
Table 4-1 lists the configurable entities of this panel.
Admin Interface Configuration Panel
To go to the Admin Interface Configuration panel, click on the Admin Interface option
from the Policy Server data pane menu options on the left side. The Admin Interface
Configuration panel is displayed as shown in Figure 4-2.
Table 4-1 Policy Server Tab–Configurable properties
Configurable Properties Description
HTTP Address Sets the address for the HTTP connection to the built-in
web interface. Default is ‘*:9080’.
HTTP Directory Specifies the root directory where the server looks for its
HTML files used by its web server. If a full path is not
included, this filename is relative to the run directory.
Default is ‘..\html\’.
HTTP Secure Address Sets the address for secure (HTTPS) HTTP connection to
the built-in web interface. Default is ‘*:9443’.