The File Manager PanelManaging files
Issue 1, December 2008
Figure 21-2 File Manager panel–Action buttons
These are described in Table 21-3.
Creating a New File
Click the action button, New, to create a file in the 8950 AAA run directory. After the New
File dialog appears, as shown in Figure 21-3, enter a unique file name and click OK.
Figure 21-3 New File Dialog
Enter the name of the file and click OK. The File Manager panel will display the name of
the file that was entered with the list of files.
Open a File for Viewing or Editing
There are two ways to open a file for viewing or editing.
Double-click any entry in the list to open a Configuration File Editor panel showing the
contents of the selected file. The file contents may be modified.
Click Open As to edit a file. A pop-up list appears with three editing selections, asking the
user how to edit the selected file. The editing methods are:
• Plain text file which opens the file in a Configuration File Editor panel.
This option provides a simple text editing window similar to the Windows Notepad
editor. An example is shown in Figure 21-4.
Table 21-3 File Manager Panel–Action buttons
Button Name Description
New Allows you to create a new text file and add it to the list of
Edit Allows you to edit the file selected from a list of files.
Delete Allows you to delete the selected file from the list of files.
Copy Allows you to copy an existing file with a different name.
Rename Allows you to rename the selected file from the list of files.
Refresh Refreshes the file manager panel.