Using the Policy WizardUsing the 8950 AAA Policy Assistant in Server
Management Tool
Issue 1, December 2008
Defining Accounting Activities
Figure 9-6 Accounting Configuration Panel in the Policy Wizard
The accounting configuration step is used to determine how accounting data is processed.
8950 AAA allows this policy to save accounting data to a RADIUS Detail file (specially
formatted text file), an SQL database. This policy may also proxy data to another server.
The upper left pane of the panel, as shown in Figure 9-6, shows three methods for
processing accounting data as follows:
• Discard Accounting Information
• Save Accounting Information to a File
• Save Accounting in a Database
Beneath this pane, is an additional option that allows accounting information to be proxied
to another server. The panel describes each selection within the right pane. If you choose
to send accounting data to a database or proxy server, the Policy Wizard helps you
configure 8950 AAA at a later point.
If you choose Discard Accounting Information, then accounting data will not be saved.
If you choose to save your accounting data to a file, enter the File Name. 8950 AAA
creates the file when accounting activity is initiated by a RADIUS request. 8950 AAA
saves and stores the file in the \run\radacct directory with the file name you entered and
appends a date/time format depending on the rollover mode you select. Select a Rollover
Mode that defines at which intervals the server will create a new accounting file.
The Description frame on the right of the panel describes the different modes. For
example, for the policy configuration, the server creates a file with the name
mydetail2010052708 indicating the file was created at 8:00 AM on May 27, 2010.