365-360-001 R6.0
Issue 1, December 2008
2 8950 AAA Server
Management Tool Overview
This section describes how to utilize the 8950 AAA Server Management Tool. It contains
information about how to start and how to navigate through the application. It describes
the look and feel of the graphical user interface and lists the commands that are available
to interact with 8950 AAA successfully.
The following topics are included in this chapter:
Purpose of the Server Management Tool
The 8950 AAA Server Management Tool (SMT) is an application that is used for
configuring and managing 8950 AAA servers. It utilizes a graphical user interface or GUI
that interfaces to the 8950 AAA server. It can be used to manage all aspects of server
operation. The SMT also displays real-time statistical information from the RADIUS
servers and Universal State Server (USS) systems.
The SMT is a standalone application that is started and run independently of the 8950
AAA server. The SMT may be run on the same computer as 8950 AAA or on a different
computer. When the SMT is not run on the same platform as 8950 AAA then a small
application called the 8950 AAA server must be started on the 8950 AAA platform before
the SMT can be used.
Purpose of the Server Management Tool 2-1
Starting the Server Management Tool 2-2
The Server Management Tool User Interface 2-4