The Client Classes tabConfiguring 8950 AAA Client Properties
Issue 1, December 2008
Dictionary Specifies the dictionary name to use for this client
class definition.
Dictionary for Authentication Specifies the dictionary to use for authentication
requests. This overrides the Client Dictionary
value for authentications only.
Dictionary for Accounting Specifies the dictionary to use for accounting
records. This overrides the Client Dictionary value
for accounting only.
Realm delimiter characters List of characters in search order to parse the user
name into a user and realm. By default, the realm
is the left hand value and the user is the right hand
value, unless the delimiter is found in the
‘Delimiters for realm on right side’ value. The
default when not specified is ‘/@’.
Delimiters for realm on right-hand side List of characters that mean the realm is the right
hand value and the user is the left hand value of
the parsed user name. This list should be a subset
of the Realm Delimiter characters. The default
when not specified is ‘@’.
Automatically Remove Check Items Yes or No option. If enabled, the Policy server
removes Check Items as they are checked by plug-
Session Time From Time-of-Day Yes or No option. If enabled, the session time is
the time remaining from the Time-of-Day check
Minimum Session Timeout The Policy server will reject any request that has a
session-Time value less than the value specified by
the property. If reply.Session-Time is not set then
no action is needed.
Time Zone Time zone where the NAS client is located.
Wire Decode Map Specifies how to read the request from the wire
(decode) into the Policy server. If not specified,
‘${request.*}:=${*};’ is used.
Table 5-5 Client Classes tab information
Field Name Description