
Server Statistics PanelServer Statistics
Issue 1, December 2008
The screen also contains a performance monitor which displays the number of packet
samples (horizontal scale) over time, per update interval (vertical scale).
Proxy Accounting
The Proxy Accounting screen displays information regarding accounting requests that are
sent to servers other than the 8950 AAA server.
Challenges Access-Request packets that resulted in an Access-
Challenge (Packet Type 11) being returned to the
RADIUS client.
Rejects Access-Request packets that resulted in an Access-
Reject (Packet Type 3) being returned to the RADIUS
Dropped Access-Request packets that resulted in the original
request being dropped (no response was sent to the
Timeouts Access-Request packets for which there was no answer
received from the remote RADIUS server.
Bad Auth Access-Request packets for which the response from the
remote RADIUS server contained an invalid signature
Unknown Access-Request packets for which the response from the
remote RADIUS server did not match a known RADIUS
RFC packet type.
Malformed Access-Request packets for which the response from the
remote RADIUS server contained data that could not be
Table 17-8 Categories of Proxy Authentication requests
Category Description of the Packet