Sessions/ Counters/ Indices PanelServer Statistics
Issue 1, December 2008
Table 17-17 Sessions/Counters/Indices–Sessions tab
Use Refresh to update the NAS and Session key list.
Click Send Stop to stop or inactivate the selected NAS and Session key.
Use the Refresh Entry to update the state server entries.
The state server entry attributes are described in the Table 17-18.
The Indices tab is shown in Figure 17-24. It displays a list of indices with which the USS
has active sessions. Select the index from the list and click Get Values to display the
corresponding State Server Entry.
The Attribute and Value columns below display the IP-address, port-ID, user-name, and
the full user name.
Table 17-18 State Server Entry
Attribute Description
Key The session key.
State The current state of the session.
Complete The progress of the session.
Modify Time Modification time.
Event Time Start of the event.
Expiration The time of expiration.