The Radius Clients tabConfiguring 8950 AAA Client Properties
Issue 1, December 2008
• Delete all records
• Make a copy of selected record
• Move selected record up
• Move selected record down
You can perform any of the required actions using these action buttons.
The Radius Clients tab
Radius Clients tab
The Radius Clients tab displays information about Radius Clients in different columns.
Table 5-1 displays the Radius Clients tab information.
To go to the Radius Client Properties panel, click on the action button. The Radius
Client Properties panel is displayed as shown in Figure 5-4. This panel allows you to add
or insert records to the Radius Client Properties. The Radius Client Properties panel, as
shown in Figure 5-4, has the following three tabs:
• The Radius Client Properties tab that allows to add a record.
• The Client Classes and Attributes tab that allows to select the required client option.
• The Comment tab that allows to enter necessary comments.
Table 5-1 Client/Peers SMT–Radius Clients tab information
Column Name Description
Client IP Address or Host The client IP address, host name, or Fully Qualified
Domain Name (FQDN).
Shared Secret The secret key shared between the 8950 AAA server
and the client. The shared secret must be entered
exactly the same way on both the 8950 AAA and the
client. Errors in entering the secret key is one of the
most common causes of 8950 AAA configuration
Client classes & Attributes This section shows the names of any Client Classes
to which this client has been assigned. In addition,
any properties (specific Attribute Value Pairs (AVPs)
assigned to the client are displayed. If it contains
#default then there are no assigned classes or
attributes for the client.