11-4 Reports and Lists Chapter 11
Summary of Abbreviations Used in
Transaction Reports
Here is a summary of the abbreviations used in transaction reports.
ST. TIME Represents the time the last attempt was made to
transmit a document.
USAGE T Represents the amount of time it took to transmit. The
usage time is also printed in the Result column of the
Activity Report along with any error codes.
PGS. Represents the total number of pages that were
successfully transmitted.
RESULT OK means all pages were transmitted either during the
first attempt or after the first or second retry. The
default, which is two retries, can be changed.
(1 p. 7-20)
NG means that either some pages or no pages were
transmitted after two retries. The default, which is two
retries, can be changed. (1 p. 7-20)