Cisco Systems 5.4.x Network Router User Manual

User Guide for Cisco Digital Media Manager 5.4.x
Chapter 12 Register DMPs
Step 4
Click Apply to confirm your entries.
Step 5
Click Save and Restart DMP in the Administration area, and then click to confirm.
Step 6
Stop. You have completed this procedure.
Related Topics
Add or Edit Address Ranges for Non-Medianet Autoregistration, page 12-18
Add or Edit One DMP Manually, page 12-21
Use a System Task to Normalize DMP Passwords
Do the management passwords on any of your DMPs differ from your norm for DMPs? Or do any DMP
passwords include forbidden characters?
If so, you must edit these values to normalize them and remove any forbidden characters. Centralized
management of DMPs is possible in DMM only when your DMPs all use one identical username
(admin) and one identical password.
Note Special characters, including exclamation points (!), question marks (?), ampersands (&), at signs (@), and asterisks
(*) are forbidden in DMP passwords. (CSCsq41233; CSCsw47873; CSCub67295)