Cisco Systems 5.4.x Network Router User Manual

User Guide for Cisco Digital Media Manager 5.4.x
Chapter 15 Touchscreens, Projectors, and Displays
Elements to Control Screen Resolution Autodetection
Navigation Path
Network and Endpoints > Digital Media Players > Advanced Tasks > System Tasks > Screen Resolution
Related Topics
Activate or Deactivate Resolution Autodetection, page 15-23
Elements to Activate RS-232 for Supported LCD Display Brands (except DMTech)
Tip Before you pass RS-232 commands through your DMPs and to your DMP displays, first confirm that each DMP is
connected to its display by a signal cable that supports RS-232 signals. Otherwise, your displays will never receive the
commands that you define for them.
Navigation Path
Network and Endpoints > Digital Media Players > Advanced Tasks > System Tasks >
RS-232: Control Supported, Non-DMTech Displays
Related Topics
Prepare Cisco Displays to Support RS-232 Syntax, page 15-11
Table 15-6 Elements to Activate or Deactivate Screen Resolution Autodetection
Application Name Description, Icons, and Options
Screen Resolution
Enable or disable autodetection of the resolutions that your DMP displays support.
Screen Resolution Autodetection On
Screen Resolution Autodetection Off
Table 15-7 Elements to Activate DMP Support for RS-232 for non-DMTech Displays
Element Description
RS-232: Control
non-DMTech displays
Cause DMPs to send RS-232 management instructions to an LCD display manufactured by Cisco,
Samsung, LG, NEC, or other supported manufacturers.