Cisco Systems 5.4.x Network Router User Manual

User Guide for Cisco Digital Media Manager 5.4.x
Chapter 21 Proof of Play
Create Campaigns
Step 1
Click Reports on the Home page.
Step 2
Click Campaign. Then, click Create Campaign.
The Create New Campaign dialog box opens.
Step 3
Enter a name for this campaign.
Step 4
Associate a requestor with this campaign.
Step 5
Choose when this campaign should become active, and then choose when it should stop.
Step 6
Click Add Content.
The Select Resources dialog box opens.
Step 7
Use check boxes in the table to mark assets that you might use.
Use options on the left to filter what the table shows.
Use pagination controls under the table to control how many assets you see.
Use the Search function above the table to locate particular assets quickly.
Step 8
Click OK to populate your campaign with the assets that you marked.
Step 9
Stop. You have completed this procedure.