Cisco Systems 5.4.x Network Router User Manual

User Guide for Cisco Digital Media Manager 5.4.x
Chapter 27 Look and Feel
Deploy Menu System Customizations to Your DMPs
Step 1
Click Network and Endpoints on the Home page.
Step 2
Choose Digital Media Players > DMP Manager.
Step 3
Use check boxes in the table to mark DMPs that should use this menu skin.
Step 4
Click Run Task.
The Run Task dialog box opens.
Use options in the top pane to add DMPs to, or remove them from, your menu skin deployment.
Use the Search function above the table to locate your Cast-PG task in particular.
Step 5
Toggle open the Advanced Tasks drawer in the Select Task area.
Step 6
Click to highlight your Cast-PG task.
Step 7
Click OK.
The Run Task dialog box closes and a message tells you that your selected task was deployed.
DMM transfers assets to your DMPs.
DMM creates as many Go-to URL entries as the number of presentations and playlists that are part
of the deployment.
Step 8
Stop. You have completed this procedure.