Cisco Systems 5.4.x Network Router User Manual

User Guide for Cisco Digital Media Manager 5.4.x
Chapter 7 Cisco Hinter for RTSP
Step 4
Decompress the archive.
Step 5
Stop. You have completed this procedure.
Install Cisco Hinter on Windows, page 7-4
Run Cisco Hinter on Windows, page 7-4
Install Cisco Hinter on Windows
Step 1
Open a command prompt where you decompressed the archive.
Step 2
Type the command cd CiscoHinter, and then press Enter.
Step 3
Type the command install.bat, and then press Enter.
Step 4
Stop. You have completed this procedure.
Run Cisco Hinter on Windows
Step 1
Open a command prompt where you decompressed the archive.
Step 2
Type the command runHinter.bat, and then press Enter.
Step 3
Enter the MPEG2-TS filename in the Source MPEG field.
Click Browse or Choose File (depending on which browser you use) to find your MPEG2-TS file.
We populate the Output Name field automatically. It is identical to the name in the Source MPEG field,
except that the filename extension is MOV and not MPG.
Step 4
Click Generate, and then wait for the “Hinting finished successfully” message.
Step 5
Find your hinted MOV output file in the ..\hinted-files subdirectory.
Step 6
Move or copy both the MPG file and its MOV derivative to the DSS root directory.
Step 7
Stop. You have completed this procedure.