90003482(2) [NGA-e (MLT-Software 3.2.X)] 07/98
NGA 2000
5 - 31
Main Menu — Analyzer and I/O-module expert configuration
Analyzer module setup
Cross interference compensation
In the menu "Cross Interference Compensation" you can calculate the influence of other
components to the result of the analyt component. You can take maximum three
interference components for each channel of the MLT analyzer. It is not possible to
calculate the cross interference compensation for signals of auxiliary modules!
If you want to calculate the compensation for other channels of an MLT analyzer or
analyzer module, you have to press the F3 key.
♦ You only have to use pure gases or gases in inert atmosphere (e.g. CH
in N
) for all
components that you need to calculate the compensation. Do not use mixed gases!
♦ You have to calibrate all channels you need to calculate the interference compensation.
Besides, all channels must be part of the same MLT analyzer or analyzer module.
Calculation of the Cross Interference Compensation:
1) In the line "Compensation is" you have to select "Disabled". If you select "Enabled" the
result will be influenced by earlier values.
2) In the line "Selected interference component" you have to select the number of the
current interference component.
3) Press the 88 -key or the →→ -key in the line "Choose interference source channel..." to
change to the submenu "Channels" (illustration see next page):
• Select the line you want with the ↓↓ -key or the ↑↑ -key.
• Choose the interference source channel with the 88 -key or the →→ -key: The display
will go back to the menu "Cross Interference Compensation" automatically. The tag of
the interference component will appear in one of the last three lines in the menu. The
position depends on the number selected in the line "Selected interference component".
Measure Channel Back...
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
95.00 ppm
-- Cross Interference Compensation --
Compensation is: Disabled
Choose interference source channel...
Interference factors...
Calculate factor for selected interference component !
Remove selected component !
2. Interference component: ----
3. Interference component: ----
Selected interference component: 1
1. Interference component: ----
5.1 Analyzer Module Setup
5.1.4 Cross Interference Compensation