Menu basics 15
Global commands
Some basic commands are recognized throughout the menu hierarchy. These commands are useful for obtaining
online Help, navigating through menus, and for applying and saving configuration changes.
For help on a specific command, type help. The following screen displays:
Global Commands: [can be issued from any menu]
help up print pwd
lines verbose exit quit
diff apply save revert
ping traceroute telnet history
pushd popd who
The following are used to navigate the menu structure:
. Print current menu
.. Move up one menu level
/ Top menu if first, or command separator
! Execute command from history
The following table describes the global commands.
Table 4 Global commands
Command Action
? command or help Provides usage information about a specific command on the current menu. When used
without the command parameter, a summary of the global commands is displayed.
. or print Displays the current menu.
.. or up Moves up one level in the menu structure.
/ If placed at the beginning of a command, displays the Main Menu. Otherwise, this is used
to separate multiple commands placed on the same line.
lines Sets the number of lines (n) that display on the screen at one time. The default is 24 lines.
When used without a value, the current setting is displayed.
diff Shows any pending configuration changes that have not been applied.
diff flash displays all pending configuration changes that have been applied but not
saved to flash memory (NVRAM), as well as those that have not been applied.
apply Applies pending configuration changes.
save Saves the active configuration to backup, and saves the current configuration as active.
save n saves the current configuration as active, without saving the active configuration
to backup.
revert Removes changes that have been made, but not applied.
revert apply removes all changes that have not been saved.
exit or quit Exits from the command line interface and logs out.
ping Verifies station-to-station connectivity across the network. The format is:
ping <host name> | <IP address> [ (number of tries)> [
msec delay ]]
IP address is the hostname or IP address of the device.
• number of tries (optional) is the number of attempts (1-32).
• msec delay (optional) is the number of milliseconds between attempts.
traceroute Identifies the route used for station-to-station connectivity across the network. The format is:
traceroute <host name> | <IP address> [<max-hops> [ msec
delay ]]
IP address is the hostname or IP address of the target station.
• max-hops (optional) is the maximum distance to trace (1-16 devices)
• msec delay (optional) is the number of milliseconds to wait for the response.
pwd Displays the command path used to reach the current menu.