Information Menu 31
Show last 100 syslog messages
Command: /info/sys/log
Date Time Severity level Message
---- ---- ----------------- -------
Jul 8 17:25:41 NOTICE system: link up on port 1
Jul 8 17:25:41 NOTICE system: link up on port 8
Jul 8 17:25:41 NOTICE system: link up on port 7
Jul 8 17:25:41 NOTICE system: link up on port 12
Jul 8 17:25:41 NOTICE system: link up on port 11
Jul 8 17:25:41 NOTICE system: link up on port 14
Jul 8 17:25:41 NOTICE system: link up on port 13
Jul 8 17:25:41 NOTICE system: link up on port 16
Jul 8 17:25:41 NOTICE system: link up on port 15
Jul 8 17:25:41 NOTICE system: link up on port 17
Jul 8 17:25:41 NOTICE system: link up on port 20
Jul 8 17:25:41 NOTICE system: link up on port 22
Jul 8 17:25:41 NOTICE system: link up on port 23
Jul 8 17:25:41 NOTICE system: link up on port 21
Jul 8 17:25:42 NOTICE system: link up on port 4
Jul 8 17:25:42 NOTICE system: link up on port 3
Jul 8 17:25:42 NOTICE system: link up on port 6
Jul 8 17:25:42 NOTICE system: link up on port 5
Jul 8 17:25:42 NOTICE system: link up on port 10
Jul 8 17:25:42 NOTICE system: link up on port 9
Each message contains a date and time field and has a severity level associated with it. One of eight different
prefixes is used to indicate the condition:
• EMERG—indicates the system is unusable
• ALERT—indicates action should be taken immediately
• CRIT—indicates critical conditions
• ERR—indicates error conditions or eroded operations
• WARNING—indicates warning conditions
• NOTICE—indicates a normal but significant condition
• INFO—indicates an information message
• DEBUG—indicates a debug-level message
System user information
Command: /info/sys/user
user - enabled
oper - disabled
admin - Always Enabled
Current User ID table:
1: name tech1 , ena, cos user , password valid, online
2: name tech2 , ena, cos user , password valid, offline
The following table describes the User Name information.
Table 17 User Name Information menu
Field Usage
user Displays the status of the user access level.
oper Displays the status of the oper (operator) access level.
admin Displays the status of the admin (administrator) access level.
Current User ID Table Displays the status of configured user IDs. To configure new user IDs, use the
/cfg/sys/access/user/uid command.