HP (Hewlett-Packard) 400 Network Router User Manual

The fields in the table are as follows:
Type is the type of timer, as follows:
TQAck Used to send delayed acknowledge messages.
TQAseLsa When the Dijkstra algorithm will be run on
external link state advertisements (recalculating the
shortest path first tree using the external link information).
TQAseLsdbAge When the external link state database entries will be
aged (recalculating the database checksum and checking
the age of the entries).
TQHelloTimer When a Hello packet will be sent.
TQIntLsa When the Dijkstra algorithm will be run on internal link
state advertisements (recalculating the shortest path first
tree with respect to the internal areas and nets).
TQIntLsdbAge When the internal link state database entries will be aged
(recalculating the database checksum and checking the
age of the entries).
TQLsaLock When a link state advertisement could be sent (after the
minimum allowable time between successive
TQRetrans Used to send pending retransmissions of unanswered
OSPF packets.
TQSumLsa When the Dijkstra algorithm will be run on summary link
state advertisements (recalculating the shortest path first
tree using summary link information).
TQSumLsdbAge When the summary link state database entries will be
aged (recalculating the database checksum and checking
the age of the entries).
Minutes, Seconds, m Seconds specify when the timer was issued.
Using the Network Control Language
Managing the Open Shortest Path First Protocol