HP (Hewlett-Packard) 400 Network Router User Manual

exmib.fr.dlctble.entry.multcast.cct # #
where cct # indicates the circuit.
pollint Is the number of seconds between successive status enquiry
messages.The default value is ten seconds.
exmib.fr.dlctble.entry.pollint.cct # #
where cct # indicates the circuit.
Frame Relay Circuit Table Variables (ccttbl)
The circuit table contains information about the various connections
(PVCs) that are presently defined within the frame relay interface. The
frame relay MIB variables, in alphabetical order, for the circuit table are:
becn Is the number of frames received from the network indicating
backward congestion since the circuit was created.
exmib.fr.ccttbl.entry.becn.cct #.ddd #.ddd
where cct # indicates the circuit and ddd indicates the dlci.
crtd Is the value of sysUpTime when the circuit was created, whether
by the data link connection management or by a set request.
exmib.fr.ccttbl.entry.crtd.cct #.ddd #.ddd
where cct # indicates the circuit and ddd indicates the dlci.
dlci Is the data link connection identifier for this circuit.
exmib.fr.ccttbl.entry.dlci.cct #.ddd #.ddd
where cct # indicates the circuit and ddd indicates the dlci.
fecn Is the number of frames received from the network indicating
forward congestion since the circuit was created.
Information Base
Management Information Base Variables
cct: Circuits Information Base