96 Troubleshooting and maintaining Back to TOC
Resolving issues with editable text
This section contains resolutions to issues that might occur when you
are trying to make text editable.
Scanned text is not editable.
If you used the HP Precisionscan Pro software, the software might
have identified the text as a drawing. In the software, choose
Editable Text (OCR) or Text and Image on the Output Type
menu. Then, on the Scan menu, click Scan To and choose the
program you want. If the text is still not editable, work with the text
as an image or retype it.
Scanned text is editable in some programs but not in others.
Some programs accept only image formats and do not allow text.
Make sure the program accepts editable text.
Incorrect characters appear in the text that was converted using the
OCR software.
The accuracy of the OCR program depends on the program having
the correct settings on the quality of the original item. To obtain the
best possible results, choose the scan setting for text, and process
only crisp, clear text. See "What to expect from OCR programs" on
page 73.
Converted text does not appear in my word-processing program.
If you scanned to the HP Precisionscan Pro software, choose
Editable Text (OCR) or Text and Image on the Output Type
menu. Then, on the Scan menu, click Scan To and choose the
program you want. Or, cut and paste the text into the program you
want. If the text is still not editable, work with the text as an image
or retype it.
I do not know how to process text using a different OCR program.
Do one of the following:
Scan the item to the HP Precisionscan Pro software, save the
scanned image as an image file, and open the file in the other
OCR program.
Scan to the HP Precisionscan Pro software. Then, on the Scan
menu, click Scan To and choose the other OCR program.
The converted text did not retain font size and style when the text
was placed in a word-processing program.
Word-processing programs cannot always accept the original
formatting of the scanned text. Reformat the text in the word-
processing program.
Converted text appeared in the word-processing program without
its formatting and I wanted it, or vice versa.
Even if you want to retain the formatting and you have the setting
set correctly, the receiving word-processing program cannot
always accept the formatting. Reformat text in the word-processing