BTC1041I command to register the common agent
with the agent registration service
Explanation: No additional information is available
for this message.
BTC1042I command to renew the certificate
revocation list
Explanation: No additional information is available
for this message.
BTC1043I command to renew the certificate of the
common agent
Explanation: No additional information is available
for this message.
BTC1044I command to reset the security
Explanation: No additional information is available
for this message.
BTC1045E The security service failed to obtain the
common agent description.
Explanation: The registration is missing the common
agent description. The description is required. If the
description is missing, the registration will fail.
System action: The registration failed because the
common agent description is missing.
Administrator Response: The agent_mgrclient bundle
might not be deployed correctly within the common
agent framework. Try to reinstall the common agent or
contact customer support.
BTC1046E The common agent failed to validate
security credentials.
Explanation: Either the credentials are currently not
valid, or the ID information in the credentials is
System action: Communication from the common
agent will fail.
Administrator Response: Update the common agent
with valid credentials.
BTC1047E The common agent failed to renew its
security credentials.
Explanation: The common agent failed to renew its
certificate with the certificate authority of the agent
manager. This message appears if one of the following
conditions is met:
v The certificate renewal port of the agent manager
could not be reached, either because it is not active,
an error exists involving network configuration, or
the service location information stored in the
common agent properties file is incorrect.
v The common agent does not trust the agent manager
certificate authority because the current certificate
used by the agent manager certificate authority does
not exist in the common agent truststore.
v The common agent certificate is not valid. The
operating system GUID or the installation location of
the common agent has been modified since the initial
registration. The change is causing the client
authentication that is required for the certificate
renewal to fail.
v The common agent certificate has expired. This
might have caused the client authentication that is
required for the certificate renewal to fail.
v The common agent certificate has been revoked. This
might have caused the client authentication that is
required for the certificate renewal to fail.
action: The common agent will continue to
run with its existing credentials. Attempting to contact
the common agent might result in a failure, particularly
if its credentials are not valid.
Administrator Response: Attempt to determine which
condition that was described in the explanation is met.
Check for exceptions and associated messages in the
trace output file, traceAgent.log, to help find the
If the log indicates that the common agent was not able
to contact the certificate renewal port of the agent
manager, make sure the agent manager is up and
running, ensure that the location information stored in
the common agent properties file is correct, verify that
the agent manager can be reached from the common
agent using the host name specified in the common
agent properties file, and make another attempt to
renew its certificate.
If the log indicates that the SSL handshake between the
common agent and the agent manager failed, either the
common agent does not trust the agent manager, or the
common agent credentials are not valid. Attempt to
resolve the situation by completing the following steps:
1. Shutdown the common agent.
2. Backup and delete the contents of the cert directory.
3. Place the agentTrust.jks file from the agent manager
in the empty cert directory.
4. Start the common agent. Since the
cert/agentKeys.jks file does not exist, the common
agent will attempt to register again. If the common
agent has the correct registration password, and the
agent manager allows duplicate registration, the
common agent should register successfully and
receive a new certificate.
If the common agent does not have renewed or new
credentials after completing the steps above, contact
customer support.
182 Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide