Chapter 3. Log file types
Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator produces message logs, trace logs, and Common
Base Event logs that can be configured dynamically.
Message logs
Message logs record Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator system events as text messages
so they can be reviewed later by customers or by IBM Tivoli Software Support.
Typically, messages are used to provide information about how the system or
application is performing, and to alert the system administrator to exceptional
conditions when they occur. If an error occurs, you can check the message logs for
information about the error, the cause of the error, and possible resolutions for the
Message logs have the file name msg.log, and are stored in the subfolder for each
software component. Messages are localized based on the locale configured on the
Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator server. There are multiple levels of message logs, and
they can be filtered by message log level and software component.
For a complete listing of the Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator messages, see
Chapter 10, “Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator messages,” on page 95.
Message ID format
The message ID consists of 10 alphanumeric characters that uniquely identify the
message. Each message ID includes:
v A 3-character product identifier
v A 3-character component or subsystem identifier
v A 3-digit serial or message number
v A 1-character type code indicating the severity of the message
sequence of the alphanumeric characters in the message ID is COPYYY###Z
v COP is a three-character release-independent product identifier. The system uses
this product identifier to identify the relevant subdirectory that contains
serviceability information when using the Tivoli Common Directory.
v YYY is the subsystem code, including the following subsystem codes:
Code Subsystem
COM Common
DEX Deployment engine
JEE j2ee — the Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator code that runs on the WebSphere
Application Server.
PEZ Policy engine
TCA Tivoli common agent
TDM TC driver manager
JDS Job Distribution Service
UTL Utilities
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