v When you look at the properties of the software stack, no software modules are
v Compliance checking also incorrectly defines the software stack as missing when
the software stack is included in the server template.
You can associate a discovered software resource with a software product, patch,
or operating system software definition only. Associations with a software stack or
distributed application are not supported.
Avoid associating software stacks or distributed applications with identified
software resources on a server.
Some patch installations might fail when trying to perform a
multiple patch installation
When trying to perform a multiple patch installation, some patch installations
might fail. The following error message is displayed:
COPCOM116E The operation timed out.
Microsoft limitations to multiple patch installation can cause some patch
installations to fail.
If you are having problems installing a particular patch, you might need to
perform manual steps to complete the installation. Consult Microsoft article 296861
for more information: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/296861
There is a maximum size for returnResult parameter storage
When you run a workflow the returnResult parameter stores the output of the
command. If the results are too large, you will receive an error.
The following error message is displayed:
COPDEX038E A database error occured:
The value of a host variable in the EXECUTE or OPEN statement
is too large for its corresponding use .
There is a 4000 character limit on returnResult parameter storage and a 3800
character limit for scriptlets.
Device Manager limitations
The following are known limitations for the Device Manager:
Running lightweight management server with DB2 Universal
Database generates exceptions
Some device classes (plug-ins) are not configured with lightweight device
management server. You can receive exceptions for the missing device classes.
However, lightweight device management server will start and run with its more
limited set of device classes.
76 Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide