3. Click Apply to list the JDBC providers for the agent manager application
4. In the list of providers, click AgentJDBCProvider.
5. In the Additional Properties area at the bottom of the Configuration page of the
JDBC provider, click Data Sources.
6. In the Data Sources page, check the box next to AgentRegistry and then click
Test Connection.
7. Review the status message at the top of the Data Sources panel. A message
similar to the following indicates that the JDBC connection is correctly
Test connection for datasource AgentRegistry on server server1 at
node WAShostname was successful.
Enabling and disabling tracing
You can control whether trace information is captured and the amount of details in
agent manager trace levels. By default, tracing is disabled.
Enabling tracing
To enable tracing for the agent manager:
1. Start the WebSphere Administrative Console.
2. Click Servers –> Application Servers –> app_server_name –> Logging and
Tracing –> Diagnostic Trace.
Replace app_server_name with the name of the application server where the
agent manager applications are installed, for example, AgentManager.
3. In the General Properties area of the Configuration page, make sure that
Enable Trace is checked.
4. In the Trace Specification field on the Runtime page, type one of the values
specified in the table below..
Table 13. Setting trace levels
Task Value in Trace Specification text box
Turn on all tracing mgr.*=all=enabled
Turn on the entry and exit tracing mgr.*=entryexit=enabled
Turn on the highest level of tracing mgr.*=debug=enabled
Turn on tracing for warnings mgr.*=event=enabled
The Trace Output area shows the directory and file name where the trace
information is written. A typical location is ${SERVER_LOG_ROOT}/trace.log,
where the WebSphere environment variable ${SERVER_LOG_ROOT} represents the
runtime log directory, WAS_install_dir/logs/app_server_name.
5. Click OK.
6. In the Taskbar, click Save to save the change to the master configuration.
7. In the Save to Master Configuration area, click Save again to confirm the
Disabling tracing
To disable tracing for the agent manager:
1. Start the WebSphere Administrative Console.
Chapter 8. Troubleshooting the agent manager 85