Action title Description
Describes what response a system administrator might be able to
Describes what response a system programmer might be able to
In the example, the action follows the label Operator Response.
Trace logs
Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator provides configurable tracing capabilities that can
help you determine the cause of a problem. Trace logs and first-failure data capture
(FFDC) are built into the software to assist the IBM Customer Support for Tivoli
software personnel in gathering information to determine why a problem is
occurring, and might be requested as part of diagnosing a reported problem.
v Trace logs capture operating environment details, including the starting and
stopping of processes, data transfer between software components, activity that
occurs while the software is running, and errors that occur when the code fails
to operate as intended.
v First-failure data capture captures and stores the tracing information preceding
an error message.
Trace logs are used to determine the causes of Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator
problems and to debug errors. Error messages can include information about the
cause of the error and possible resolutions for the error. Trace logs are intended to
be used by Tivoli Customer Support service engineers or developers. If you
encounter an issue, Support representatives might ask you to obtain information
from trace logs so that they can review the details.
Trace logs have the file name trace.log, and are stored in the subfolder for each
software component. Trace logs are in English only, localization support (national
language support) is not provided for trace entries. By default, tracing is enabled
at the minimal level that is required for FFDC, and can be changed as required.
Common Base Event logs
Trace logs are automatically translated to Common Base Event, which is a
standardized format for logging and tracing events in a multi-application
environment. By using the Common Base Event format, Tivoli Intelligent
Orchestrator facilitates the integration of problem determination data, and makes it
possible to rapidly identify an event, collect and analyze problem determination
data, establish the event priority, plan appropriate responses, and make the
necessary adjustments to resolve it. An XML-based standard, the Common Base
Event guarantees consistency of interpretation for all of the messages generated
between applications, and offers consistent and complete information about the
v The system component that reports a particular error
v The components affected by this error, which might be the same as the
component reporting the error
v The error itself
Base Event logs have the file name cbe.log, and are stored in the
subfolder for each software component.
Chapter 3. Log file types 37