WEB-INF/classes/resources directory of the
AgentManager.war file and that the file is readable
by the current user.
2. Ensure that the directory pointed to by the
ARS.directory property in the
AgentManager.properties file exists and is readable.
3. Ensure that the value of the REG.keyPWfile.name
property in the AgentManager.properties file is the
name of the registration encryption keystore file,
relative to the ARS.directory location. Ensure that
the file is readable.
4. Ensure that the AgentManager.properties file
contains an encrypted string for the value of the
Registration.Agent.Access.Password property.
5. Ensure that the
Registration.Manager.Authorization.Config property
specifies the Authorization.xml file and that the
current user can read this file. It is possible to use a
different file name, so check the contents of the file
pointed to by this property.
6. When the files and properties are correct, retry the
operation that failed.
7. If the problem continues, regenerate the registration
encryption keystore file and retry the operation that
failed. Instructions for regenerating the keystore file
are located in the agent manager documentation.
8. If the problem continues after regenerating the
keystore file, contact IBM Customer Support.
CTGEM0054E The UpdatePW program received
incorrect input arguments.
Explanation: UpdatePW is the Java application that
provides the functions made available to users by the
EncryptPW, EncryptAMProps, AuthXMLAddUser,
AuthXMLRemoveUser and AuthXMLRemoveAuthType
commands. UpdatePW should be invoked only by one
of those commands.
This error might indicate that an unauthorized program
called the UpdatePW program or that there is a
programming error in one of the authorized
Administrator Response: If there is an error in the
authorized commands, contact IBM Customer Support.
If UpdatePW was called by an unauthorized program,
change the unauthorized program to use one of the
authorized commands. The purpose and syntax of the
authorized commands is as follows:
v EncryptPW password
Encrypts password and writes the resulting string to
standard output. This allows you to either verify or
manually update an encrypted password.
v EncryptAMProps password
Changes the value of the
Registration.Agent.Access.Password parameter in the
agent manager configuration file
(AgentManager.properties) with the encrypted form
of the specified password.
v AuthXMLAddUser user_ID password type_name
[type_name ...]
Creates a resource manager user ID in the
Authorization.xml file, sets its password to the
encrypted form of the password specified, and adds
the user to the user list (userList=) of the specified
authorization types. If the user is listed in the
userList attribute of any <authType> elements that
were not listed in the command, it is removed. When
the userList of an authType is empty, the authType is
v AuthXMLRemoveUser user_ID
Removes the user identified by user_ID from the
Authorization.xml file. When the last user is
removed from a userList attribute of an authorization
type (authType), that authType element will be
v AuthXMLRemoveAuthType type_name
Removes the authorization type identified by
type_name from the Authorization.xml file.
CTGEM0055E The EncryptPW command received
incorrect input arguments. This
command takes a single argument,
which is the string you want to encrypt.
Explanation: No additional information is available
for this message.
CTGEM0056E The EncryptAMProps command
received incorrect input arguments. This
command takes a single argument,
which is the unencrypted password to
be used for agent registration.
Explanation: No additional information is available
for this message.
CTGEM0057E The AuthXMLAddUser command
received incorrect input arguments. This
command takes the following positional
arguments: the resource manager ID that
you want to add, the unencrypted
password to be used for that ID, and
one or more authorization types which
the user will be allowed to access. All
arguments are separated by one or more
space characters.
Explanation: No additional information is available
for this message.
Chapter 11. Tivoli Common Agent Services messages 213