Remove Logical Not commands: This option specifies that Logical Not
commands are to be removed from the data stream, i.e., neither printed nor
acted upon. This mode is useful for debugging data streams, but it is
primarily intended to assist the user in migrating existing documents that
use Logical Not commands to the 5250 ALLYs more powerful Auto PFS
and FF suppression modes.
Use Logical Not commands: This option specifies that the 5250 ALLY
should use the Logical Not commands to perform their correct actions.
To program this option:
!AGILE!0604=00; Ignore Logical Not commands
!AGILE!0604=01; Remove Logical Not commands
!AGILE!0604=02; Use Logical Not commands (default)
For more information on Logical Not commands, see the previous sections
of this appendix, Logical Not Commands, Antiquities and Downloading
Font Correspondences.
0605 Job Restart to Form Feed Translation
This option is useful only for XDPM data streams.
The 5250 ALLY is capable of converting XDPM/XES print job restarts
into Form Feeds. This is helpful for jobs that use a job restart to cause a
Form Feed to occur when Form Feed suppression is active.
Job restart to FF translation is inactive: This option specifies that the 5250
ALLY should not translate job restarts into Form Feeds.
Job restart to FF translation is active: This option specifies that the 5250
ALLY should translate job restarts into Form Feeds.
To program this option:
!AGILE!0605=00; Job restart to FF translation is inactive (default)
!AGILE!0605=01; Job restart to FF translation is active
For more information about job restart to Form Feed translation, see the
previous section, Passing FFs in Auto FF Suppression Mode.
0606 Metacode Transparency
This option is useful only for XPPM data streams.