
A/B switch A switch that allows input devices to
share a printer.
AC adapter Converts alternating current to direct
AFP Advanced Function Printing.
AFPDS Advanced Function Printing Data
Alternate host Input device other than the twinax host
that can use the printer attached to the
5250 ALLY, such as a PC, network
server, print sharing device or even
another protocol converter.
ASCII American Standard Code for
Information Interchange. A 7-bit
standard character code used for
interchanging data between
communications equipment.
Backspace Moves the print position one column to
the left.
Battery-backed RAM A non-volatile temporary means of
storage. The 5250 ALLY uses it to
store configuration parameters.
Binary A base 2 numbering system.
Bit A binary digit. The smallest unit of
binary information. Either a 0 or a 1.
BM Bottom margin.
Bold A typestyle in which the strokes of the
characters are thicker than normal.
Bottom margin The last line on which the 5250 ALLY
will allow a character to be printed.
Break An interruption of a transmission.
BS Backspace.